After the briefing, the pair knock on the door and are invited in by Caesar. Talk to him and the dwarf will fill the player in on his plan, which consists of getting Caesar drunk enough not to notice Geralt rummaging through his belongings. When one approaches the entrance, they will see Zoltan hanging out by the door. With this goal achieved, head now to Caeser Bilzen's house to meet up with Zoltan and follow his plan to snag the Fringilla Vigo card. He will try to weasel out of it but keep insisting and he will eventually hand over the John Natalis card.

Following the card and sword fights respectively, if Ravik is alive, one will have to chat with him until he gives up the prize. It should be noted that losing this game of Gwent will also cause Ravik to be killed (the card can still be looted from his body). However, winning the game of Gwent will let Ravik live, though a fight will also break out as Earl is a lying scumbag. Don't worry too much if this happens, if one does not care for Ravik, as the card can still be looted from his body after the thugs are dealt with. If one refuses, a fight will break out after Earl kills Ravik. Earl offers to play Gwent with Geralt for both Ravik's life and the John Natalis card. This will lead the player to encounter the blonde and bearded man at the mercy of two thugs Earl and his henchman. After collecting it, head back to Zoltan to get leads on the 2 remaining cards. Players can either search for the Natalis card or the Vigo card in whichever order they desire, as it does not impact the story or outcome in any way.įollow the quest marker to The Golden Sturgeon to find Ravik. Look for suspicious marking on the floor and use Aard to break through a frail wall, revealing a chest containing the ledger. Engage them in battle so that one can loot their remains for both the card and a key. They are also talking about an Isengrim card that they took from the now-deceased Zed. Upon doing so, one will find Zed's dead body and will notice some bandits conversing nearby about a ledger. RELATED: The Witcher 3: Everything You Need To Know About Aard Players will find a door here that will lead them down into Zed's house. Scale the house and leap across the gap to the neighboring one. The door will be locked, therefore one must look around to find a way in.

Zoltan will tell you where to find Zed, the owner of an Isengrim card, and Geralt will head to his house.