That's it - you should now have a Bluetooth GPS Connected. Now in the NMEA Data Source options select from the pulldown menu: “ /dev/rfcomm0”, or write it in the box, if not present as an alternative. Now all you need to do is go into OpenCPN Toolbox and select GPS. Note put your GPS address in this line You should not have to run these commands each time your linux is restarted as it will remember your GPS address. Next we have to bind the GPS address to a “virtual” device OpenCPN understands in this case rfcomm0.

In this case I have a IBT-GPS at address 00:1C:88:10:D3:4D (Your GPS address will be different) It will then start looking for the Bluetooth GPS and hopefully find your GPS.

Once you have done that you will need to find what the address of the GPS is. If you have a bluetooth GPS you will need to first configure it through the standard Ubuntu Bluetooth “set up new device ” proceedure.