The first track - the name speaks for itself - is entertaining, lasts for 35 minutes, and its effects are supposed to be similar to having a few gin and tonic drinks. With the free version of the program you get three audio tracks - Alcohol, Content and Sleeping Angel.

You can also find sounds that help to quit smoking, eliminate headaches, simulate narcotic states or those that help to enhance Lucid Dreaming abilities. However, the range of the program is limited only by the imagination of the author of the certain dose. There are simple adaptations, such as improving your focus, speeding up learning processes or simply relaxing after a hard day of work. The authors offers a wide variety of audio paths which can put your mind into different states. Doses are nothing different than interesting names for audio files in a special file format, which has a characteristic of quite static sound with certain bitrate frequency. There are exceedingly many uses for I-Doser, so all depends on what dose will you take. The program helps to improve your mood, to shift your focus or to simply meditate, Zen style. In this case the role of the stimulus goes to specifically created audio tracks that thanks to their frequency have impact on your mood, state and the way you see the world around you. I-Doser Free is a freeware version of a program whose task is to put its user into a certain mood and states by using technology that has an influence on the synchronization of brain hemispheres, thus making brain experience certain states.